Data of the website's owner:



ADDRESS: Calle Privada de la Arboleda 6, 28223, Madrid


MAIN PURPOSE: Promoting and selling clothing and accesories.



Pursuant to current applicable regulations on the protection of personal data, we inform you that your data will be included in the processing system owned by GOATEX GROUP S.L. with Tax Identification Number ES B13815675 by virtue of a deed of incorporation of the company granted on November 23, 2021, before the Notary Public of Madrid, Juan Aznar de la Haza, under number 765 of his protocol, and that their respective purposes, storage periods and legal bases are listed below. For the processing that requires this, we also inform you of the possibility of profilingand automated decision-making, as well as the possible disclosures and international transfers that GOATEX GROUP S.L. plans to make:

Purpose: Process and manage the data required for the website's functionality Storage period: Until withdrawal of the consent given

Legal basis: The data subject's consent

Type of data: Only identifying data Disclosures: Not expected International transfers: Not expected. Profiling: Not expected

Purpose: To attend to your queries and/or requests Storage period: For such time as the consent is given. Legal basis: The data subject's consent

Type of data: Only identifying data. Disclosures: None. International transfers: Not expected. Profiling: Not expected

Purpose: Manage and process the obligations and duties arising from compliance with the regulations which apply to the organization.

Storage period: Copies of the documents will be kept until the actions for claiming a possible liability have lapsed. Legal basis: Compliance with a law. Type of data: Only identifying data. Disclosures: Your data will be disclosed, if necessary, to bodies and/or public administrations with jurisdiction in the matter in order to comply with the obligations established in applicable legislation. In addition, you are informed that the legal basis for the disclosure is to comply with the obligations set forth in applicable legislation.

International transfers: Not expected.

Profiling: Not expected

By completing the purchase and clicking on "I accept the terms of service", you consent to our use of your phone number to send you SMS for promotional purposes. You may unsubscribe from this service at any time. 

Storage period: For such time as the consent is given

Legal basis: The data subject's consent. Type of data: Only identifying data Disclosures: None. International transfers: Not expected Profiling: Not expected

Purpose: Collect, record and process data for the purpose of managing your purchase, and to ensure correct performance, fullfilment and conclusion of the contract between both parties

Storage period: During the time necessary to manage purchase of the products or services acquired, including possible returns, complaints or claims associated with purchase of the particular product or service Legal basis: Performance of a contract. Type of data: Only identifying data.Disclosures: Your data will be disclosed, if necessary, to the Tax Authority, Banks, Savings Banks, Bodies and/or public administrations with jurisdiction in the matter in order to comply with the tax obligations established in applicable legislation. In addition, you are informed that the legal basis for the disclosure is to comply with the obligations set forth in applicable legislation.

International transfers: Not expected

Profiling: Not expected

Purpose: Administrative management, invoicing, accounting and legal obligations

Storage period: 5 years in compliance with Tax Law and 10 years for the tax documentation in compliance with Basic Law 7/2012

Legal basis: Compliance with a law

Type of data: Only identifying data

Disclosures: Compliance with a law.

International transfers: Not expected

Profiling: Not expected



GOATEX GROUP S.L. informs you that you can exercise the rights of access, rectification, restriction, erasure, portability and objection to processing your personal data before the Data Controller, and also withdraw the consent given.

- Right of Access: This is your right to obtain information about your specific personal data and what processing has been or is being carried out on them, and also the information available about the source of such data and the disclosures made or planned.

- Right of Rectification: This is your right to correction of inaccurate or incomplete data. Any such correction can only be made for the information that is under the APP's control, for example, deleting comments published on the page itself, images or web content that contain your personal data.

- Right to Restriction of Processing: This is the right to restrict the purposes of the processing originally intended by the data controller.

- Right of Erasure: This is the right to erase your personal data, except as provided in the GDPR itself or in other applicable regulations where obligatory storage periods and formats are specified.

- Right of Portability: The right to receive the personal data that you have provided, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and to transmit them to another data controller.

- Right of Objection: This is your right to prevent or stop processing of your personal data by GOATEX GROUP S.L.

In order to exercise any of the rights described above, you must comply with the following requirements:

Send a letter to the address Calle Privada de la Arboleda, 6, 28223, Madrid, Spain. (for the attention of GOATEX GROUP S.L.) or by e-mail to

The letter sent by the data subject requesting exercise of a given right must comply with the following legal requirements:

- The data subject's full name and a copy of the Spanish National Identity Document or Foreigner Identity Document or any other identifying document. In the exceptional cases where representatives are accepted, these will also have to identify themselves in the same manner, in addition to the document confirming their status as representative. The photocopy of the National Identity Document may be replaced by other documents that prove identity by any other means valid under the law.

- The specific content of the request. (In which you request the information you wish to access). If you do not make any reference to a specific file, you will be given all the information held with your personal data. If you request information from a particular file, only the information in this file will be given. If you request information about a third party, this will be refused in all cases. If you request the information over the phone, you will be asked to request the information in writing; you will be told how you can do this and the address you must send your request to. You will never be given information over the phone.

- Address for notices.

- The date and the requesting person's signature.

- Supporting documents for the request made.

- The data subject must use any medium that provides proof of you sending the request and us receiving it.

Lastly, we inform you that you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency if you know or consider that a particular event may involve a breach of applicable data protection regulations.

GOATEX GROUP S.L. undertakes to take the necessary technical and organizational measures, matched to the level of risk entailed by the processing carried out by it and explained in the section on the terms and conditions of use, with the goal of guaranteeing their completeness, confidentiality and availability.



In keeping with what is established in applicable regulations on the Protection of Personal Information and Law 34/2002 of 11 July on InformationSociety Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE), GOATEX GROUP S.L. hereby informs users that they have created a profile on the social network(s) Twitter, Instagram, with the principal aim of advertising their products and services.

The user can access the privacy policies of the Social Network at any time, or can configure their profile so as to guarantee their privacy.

GOATEX GROUP S.L. has access to and handles users’ public information, especially their contact name. This information is only used within the Social Network. It is not added to any sort of file.

With regard to the right to access, rectification, limitation of treatment, deletion, portability and opposition to the processing of your personal data, that you possess and that can be exercised in keeping with the RGPD, you must take into account the following:

- Right of Access: It is the right of the user to obtain information about their specific personal data and the treatment that has been carried out or carried out, as well as the information available about the origin of said data and the communications made or planned of the same

- Right of Rectification: It is the right of the affected person to modify the data that turns out to be inaccurate or incomplete. It can only be satisfied in relation to that information that is under the control of GOATEX GROUP S.L., for example, delete comments posted on the page itself, images or web contents where personal data of the user is recorded

- Right to Limitation of Treatment: It is the right to limit the purposes of the treatment originally provided by the controller.

- Right of Deletion: It is the right to delete the personal data of the user, except as provided in the GDPR itself or in other applicable regulations that determine the obligation to preserve them, in a timely manner.

- Portability right: The right to receive personal data that the user has provided, in a structured format, for common use and mechanical reading, and to transmit them to another responsible

- Right of Opposition: It is the right of the user not to carry out the processing of their personal data or to cease the processing of them by GOATEX GROUP S.L.


GOATEX GROUP S.L. will perform the following actions:

-Access public profile information.

- Publish any information already available on the GOATEX GROUP S.L. web page on their user profile.

- Send personal and individual messages through the channels of the Social Network.

- Update the status of their page, which will be published on their user profile.

The user can always control their connections, eliminate content that ceases to interest them, and restrict who they share their connections with. In order to do so, they must access their privacy configurations.


Once they have joined the GOATEX GROUP S.L. page, the user will be able to post comments, links, images, photographs or any other type of multimedia content supported by the Social Network on the page. In any case, the user must have ownership over this content, they must have the authorship rights and intellectual property rights to the same, or have the consent of the affected third parties. Any content posted on the page, whether text, graphics, videos, etc. that is in violation of morality, ethics, good taste or decorum is expressly prohibited, as is any that violates intellectual or industrial property rights, image rights or the Law. Under such circumstances, GOATEX GROUP S.L. reserves the right to immediately remove the content, and may request that the user be permanently blocked.

GOATEX GROUP S.L. is not responsible for any content freely published by a user.

The user must kept in mind that their posts will be viewed by other users. As a result, they are the principal person in charge of protecting their own privacy.

Images posted on the page will not be stored in any sort of file by GOATEX GROUP S.L., but they will remain on the Social Network.


Contests and Promotions

GOATEX GROUP S.L. reserves the right to organize contests and promotions that users connected to their page can take part in. When the SocialNetwork is used for these contests and promotions, the terms and conditions will be published on the same. This will always be in compliance with the LSSI-CE and any other applicable regulations.

The Social Network does not sponsor, support or administer any of our promotions in any way, nor are they associated with any of them.


GOATEX GROUP S.L. will use the Social Network to advertise their products and services. In any case, if they decide to handle your contact information for direct commercial research actions, they will always do so in keeping with the RGPD and the LSSI-CE.

Recommending GOATEX GROUP S.L.’s page to other users so that they too can enjoy the promotions offered there or remain informed of its activity willnot be considered publicity.

Below is a link to the Social Network’s privacy policy:





"In order to offer you Klarna's payment methods, at the time of payment, we may transmit to Klarna during the checkout process your personaldata included in the contact form and order details, so that Klarna can assess whether you qualify for access to its payment methods and to adaptsuch payment methods to your profile. Your personal data is processed in accordance with the provisions of Klarna's privacy policy."